Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home is where my heart is

[Model Poem]

I belong here. I belong in this big house filled with memories. I have lived here all of my life and now I don't want to leave. I have grown attached to this home as much as a baby gets attached to the womb. I have everything I need right here. I have a mother who loves me, grandparents who care about me, and a father who misses me. I have the luxury and the loneliness of being a only child. I have a garden and a deck in my back yard, that no one else uses except for me. I have many dead gold fish and butterflies flushed down the toilet. I have thirteen year old throw up stains on almost every carpet down stairs. I have lived on this island for what it seems like a blink of an eye in time. I belong here. I have been reborn into an already Christian life. And I pray everyday so that other people's lives become better. To risk everything, I have learned to listen to old quotes, to find that home is truly where my heart is. 

This model poem was an assignment I had last semester in my Creative Writing class and I thought I would post it up.  So anyway, a model poem is a poem where you choose a poem that someone else has made and make it your own. I don't remember who I modeled this poem from or the poems title. But the subject and format is all the same. So anyway I hope you like it.  

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