Thursday, April 2, 2009

Judge Me? No way!

My father told me yesterday that someone could figure out your personality by you are handwriting, books you read, and movies that you watch. This got me wondering what this someone would say about me if he or she analyzed my interests and handwriting. Would the person say that I am sadistic because I love horror films? Or that I am childish for watching cartoon shows? Or that I am extremely naive for watching reality television and believing that it is REALITY? Or because my handwriting is messy that means I am messy? That really freaks me out and I hope that no one tests me on it. My father didn't get a job because they found a flaw in his handwriting. Therefore that is a reason why he brought it up into the conversation. So anyway I must ask! Has this ever happened to you? Or is this kind of testing out of date?

Well, I hope it is! Because I know who I am and I am not going to change myself for anyone. If they find a flaw in me that doesn't go well with them. Then I suppose that is not the kind of job that I would want to be in. Oh and if it is not a job that is judging me! Then that something else or someone else is also not needed.

Don't you love orchids? 

I know random question with random pictures of my orchid. But I am through with talking about judgements. After watching a movie staring Hilary Duff called "The Perfect Man" it got me thinking about how romantic the flower is. So I hope you like the pictures! Also I hope if you haven't watched the movie that you would give it a try. It is one of those movies that you would love to watch over and over again. 

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