Friday, April 3, 2009

Love of Money

Greed also known as Avarice (latin) opens the doors to every single sin on the 7 deadly sins list. For money can buy absolutely anything your heart desires. But without pride or the luck of being born rich or marrying into wealth Greed wouldn't be one of the 7 deadly sins. Those who are middle class, live on pay check to pay check, or the homeless. They need money to survive and enjoy the fruits of life. While those who have had a taste of wealth and the ignorance of poverty want even more money. So that they could either save the money or spend it needlessly or keep on living the life they are living. 

Now I am not saying that every rich person is greedy and every poor or middle class person isn't. I know that everyone has a dream of having a better life. To have 3 cars, a huge house, a pool, and the ability to travel anywhere in the world. Who wouldn't? I have dreams of having that kind of life but I would be just as happy knowing that my life is secure. Money can give you a kind of security to where you know that you are not struggling anymore. Although I am not struggling right now! With the horrible worldwide economy that we are having and the lay offs. I could be suffering in the near future. I believe this is the difference between greed and the need for money. 

And that is why I believe that some gold diggers are not really after the money. After watching Tough Love on vh1 my view on gold diggers has changed. This girl that was on the show who only dates men with wealth has a very good reason for her love of money. She once believed that love was all that matters until it left her with nothing. She had to give up her child and live at the bottom of the barrel poor. She believes if she had planned better and had a child with a wealthy man. Things would have been better. 

Not every gold diggers story is like that but you shouldn't judge someone who is after a man that can take care of them. Because I believe every single women wishes for a man that can offer both love and wealth at the same time. But no one should insult or reject a man right off the bat because he doesn't have money at the moment. You never know what could happen next! He could very well become the next Bill Gates! Invent something that everyone needs. But that begs the question! Does this poor or middle class man have any ambitions? If not, then that could cause a reason to worry. He could be happy working a blue colored job and not want anything better. Then your left to support the family on your own. So that to me! Is a deal breaker. 

But then there are black widows and that to me is a different story. How many times have you seen Snapped? Where the women kills the husband for his wealth? Even though while they are married to their husbands they have the perfect life! They already have everything they want but that isn't enough. They have to take the money that is given after their husband is dead and believe that they won't get caught. They go on the run and on the hunt for their next victim. Oh and if you need a better example of a black widow! Please watch Addam's family values! 

Money is not evil! The love of money is. 

Want to read more? Go to Kay's Seven Deadly Sins Meme


  1. Hi!

    Thanks for coming by... I read your profile and I think I had very very similar dreams/plans my senior year of high school. Here's to your dreams!

    Thank you for posting about greed. One thing I have to disagree with you on though:

    "Because I believe every single women wishes for a man that can offer both love and wealth at the same time."

    Other than that, it was a great post! Looking forward to reading more from you, drop by anytime :)

  2. You cover a lot of ground here. I personally think you can be greedy even if you are poor, though I have found that the poor often have a better grasp on generosity than the rich who don't necessarily value what they have as much as those for whom everything is precious.
